Ka-54/1 Progoti Sharani, Nadda, Gulshan, Dhaka-1212

01768612835 bghospital.bd@gmail.com


The Department of Internal Medicine offers general medicine and primary care. It is one of the premier departments of Baridhara General Hospital, bringing together an elite cadre of clinicians, investigators and educators. Working in concert with colleagues in subspecialties at the Hospital, the first priority is to provide patients with the highest level of medical care possible.

The Department is supported by the latest diagnostic facilities that include Microbiology, Serology, Pathology, Diagnostic, Interventional Radiology & Medicine. The presence of all the major sub-specialties under one umbrella institute enable the department to provide comprehensive care to a patient with multiple problems without fragmentation of care and with the ability to optimize medical treatment, thus improving quality of life.


  • Providing leadership in general internal medicine and healthcare delivery.
  • Delivering exemplary, patient-centered, efficient and effective general medicine care.
  • Encouraging preventive medicine and health promotion.
  • Providing consultative care for patients on non-internal medicine services.
  • Multi-disciplinary approach towards patient care.
  • Providing ‘one stop’ comprehensive quality care for all patients.
  • All consultants working as a team.

Services Offered:

  • Evaluation and treatment of multi-system diseases.
  • Critical Care, Intensive Care and Ventilator Care.
  • Diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of diabetes, blood pressure, lipid disorders, etc.
  • Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases.
  • Prophylactic vaccination for adults.
  • Prompt referral & management of organ specific medical problems with renowned consultants in all sub-special areas.
  • Approach towards preventive and cancer screening following age appropriate International Standard Protocols.